Thursday, November 29, 2012

RainSoft of Kansas Ctiy - Where Does Smelly Water Come From and Other Water Q&A

RainSoft of Kansas City, an authorized RainSoft Dealer.

Locate a RainSoft Dealer near you or read customer reviews at RainSoft Reviews.

Why can't I rinse the soap off my hands?

 [Map of water hardness across the U.S.] The terms "soft water" and "hard water" are important here. Water is said to be soft if it has a low concentration of calcium and magnesium ions in it, and hard water has a high concentration of calcium and magnesium. If you use hard water, then washing your hands and bathing with soap could leave a film of sticky soap curd on the skin. The film may prevent removal of soil and bacteria. Soap curd interferes with the return of skin to its normal, slightly acid condition, and may lead to irritation. Soap curd on hair may make it dull, lifeless and difficult to manage. Washing with hard water also makes it harder to work the soap up into a lather.
Hard water can also leave a film or spots on glasses taken out of the automatic dishwasher and can contribute to calcium buildup (scale) inside of water pipes. Hard water can even shorten the life of fabrics and clothes. Hard water is prevalent in some parts of the country, and sometimes water-softening chemicals that reduce the amount of calcium and magnesium are added to the water.

Why is our porcelain sink stained brown?

A kitchen sink showing dark brown stains caused by water containing excessive amounts of dissolved iron.The brown stain is probably from a large amount of iron in your water. If you have ever drunk water containing a bit of iron in it, you would know from the metallic taste left in your mouth that dissolved chemicals in drinking water can be less than desirable. Color in drinking water can be caused by dissolved and suspended materials, but most often comes from rust in the water pipes.
Although water can contain contaminants, which are usually removed by water-supply systems, the plus side is that the water you drink likely contains a number of dissolved minerals that are beneficial for human health. And, if you have even drunk "pure" water, such as distilled or deioninzed water, you would have noticed that it tasted "flat". Most people prefer water with dissolved minerals, although they still want it to be clear.

Why does my water smell like rotten eggs?

Rotten-egg smell?

A few tenths of a milligram of hydrogen sulfide per liter can cause drinking water to have a rotten-egg odor.
You would know it if you had this problem! A frequent cause of musty, earthy odors in water is naturally occurring organic compounds derived from the decay of plant material in lakes and reservoirs. In some parts of the country, drinking water can contain the chemical hydrogen sulfide gas, which smells just like rotten eggs. This can occur when water comes into contact with organic matter or with some minerals, such as pyrite. The situation mostly occurs as groundwater filters through organic material or rocks.
Water containing hydrogen sulfide can have an odor that is objectionable (and the water may taste really bad), but generally the water is not harmful to health. However, odors can be caused by other constituents as well, so you may want to call your local Health Department and mention the odor to them. The best way to find out what is in your water is to have the water tested by a state certified laboratory. A list of these labs is available from your State Certification Officer.

More Q&A about water from the USGS

RainSoft Water Conditioning Systems

RainSoft water conditioning and water softening systems soften and polish the water used throughout your home. Soaps and shampoos rinse out more completely, leaving skin and hair cleaner and more residue free. Water conditioners allow you to use less soap, and your water-using appliances will last longer without that scale build-up present in hard water. 

Many RainSoft water conditioning systems incorporate our proprietary EC4 technology. This smart control water softening system actually learns how your family uses water, saving you money in water consumption and salt usage. 

EC4 and TC Series Water Conditioners

Both of our premium series of water conditioners are available in many designs with various features that support and meet any consumer needs. Each design series is built to last a lifetime, and carries the RainSoft limited lifetime warranty. Both home water filtration systems can be found at a RainSoft dealer near you. 

The EC4 water conditioning systems are computer controlled and come equipped with a smart-feature microprocessor controller that is able to process thousands of computations per second. 

TC Series water conditioner systems soften, condition and filter out the main components that make up hard water. These water softeners are also powered by an energy saving, low-voltage electrical system.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

RainSoft of Kansas City - Where to Find Emergency Water Sources During a Disaster

RainSoft of Kansas City - an authorized RainSoft Dealer
15480 College Blvd
LenexaKS 66219

Locate a RainSoft Dealer.
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Water Safety Tips During an Emergency or Disaster from the CDC

Finding Emergency Water Sources

Alternative sources of clean water can be found inside and outside the home. DO NOT DRINK water that has an unusual odor or color, or that you know or suspect might be contaminated with fuel or toxic chemicals; use a different source of water.
The following are possible sources of water:

Inside the Home

  • Water from your home’s water heater tank (part of your drinking water system, not your home heating system)
  • Melted ice cubes made with water that was not contaminated
  • Water from your home’s toilet tank (not from the bowl), if it is clear and has not been chemically treated with toilet cleaners such as those that change the color of the water
  • Liquid from canned fruit and vegetables
  • Water from swimming pools and spas can be used for personal hygiene, cleaning, and related uses, but not for drinking.
Listen to reports from local officials for advice on water precautions in your home. It may be necessary to shut off the main water valve to your home to prevent contaminants from entering your piping system.

Outside the Home

  • Rainwater
  • Streams, rivers, and other moving bodies of water
  • Ponds and lakes
  • Natural springs
Water from sources outside the home must be treated as described in Make Water Safe.

Unsafe Water Sources

Never use water from the following sources:
  • Radiators
  • Hot water boilers (part of your home heating system)
  • Water beds (fungicides added to the water and/or chemicals in the vinyl may make water unsafe for use)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Reduce Asthma Triggers in Your Home: 10 Ways How

Clearing the Air of Asthma Triggers:

10 Steps to Making Your Home Asthma-Friendly

United States Environmental Protection Agency EPA 402-F-04-017
  1. Take it outside. One of the most common asthma triggers in the home is secondhand smoke. Until you can quit, smoke outside, not in your home or car.
  2. Good night, little mite! Dust mites are also triggers for asthma. For mite population control, cover mattresses and pillows with dust-proof (allergen impermeable) zippered covers. Wash sheets and blankets once a week in hot water.
  3. Play it Safe. Ozone and particle pollution can cause asthma attacks. Watch for the Air Quality Index (AQI) during your local weather report. When AQI reports unhealthy levels, limit outdoor activities.
  4. A little goes a long way. Reduce everyday dust build-up, by regularly dusting with a damp cloth and vacuuming carpet and fabric-covered furniture.
  5. Stake your claim. Household pets can trigger asthma with skin flakes, urine, and saliva. Keep pets outdoors, if possible.
  6. Uninvite unwelcome guests. Cockroaches can trigger asthma. Don't invite them into your home by leaving food or garbage out. Always clean up messes and spills and store food in airtight containers.
  7. Think before you spray. Instead of pesticide sprays, control pests by using baits or traps. If sprays are necessary, always circulate fresh air into the room being treated and keep asthma sufferers out of that room for several hours after any spraying.
  8. Break the mold. Mold is another asthma trigger. The key to controlling mold is controlling moisture. Wash and dry hard surfaces to prevent and remove mold. Replace moldy ceiling tiles and carpet.
  9. Air it out. Reducing the moisture will control asthma triggers like mold, cockroaches, and dust mites. Use exhaust fans or open windows when cooking and showering. Fix leaky plumbing or other unwanted sources of water.
  10. Plan before the attack. Work with your doctor or healthcare provider to develop a written asthma management plan for your child that includes information on your child’s triggers and how to manage them.
Post a note. Post this plan on your refrigerator to help control asthma triggers and reduce asthma attacks in your home. Share it with those who spend time with your child like teachers, babysitters, and coaches.
pdf version of this list: EPA 402-F-04-017

RainSoft air purification systems treat the entire home, not just one room. Our systems mount directly into the ductwork of your home, providing cleaner, fresher air throughout the entire house. With advanced UV light and ozone lamp technology, the AirMaster Ultra system eliminates airborne contaminants in your home.

15480 College Blvd
LenexaKS 66219
(913) 322-0724

RainSoft of Kansas City, an authorized RainSoft Dealer.
Or locate a RainSoft Dealer near you.

RainSoft Reviews can tell you what people in your area are saying about RainSoft.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wondering What is Safe Water? Listen Here

What is Safe Water? This audio file from the USGS can tell you more.

If you have questions about your drinking water RainSoft can answer them. Your RainSoft Dealer can also perform a Free In Home Water Test.

Home Water Treatment

With two premium drinking water systems, RainSoft water treatment delivers a higher quality and better tasting drinking water experience. Not only will the water from a RainSoft drinking water system in your glass taste distinctly better, but so will all of the food and beverages you make with it.

Ultrefiner reverse osmosis water systems are RainSoft's premier drinking water system. Using advanced RO technology, the Ultrefiner provides highly polished drinking water that filters out smaller particles that can be missed by less refined drinking water systems.

For out-of-the-way convenience, Hydrefiner drinking water systems deliver a continuous supply of clean, fresh water from right under your sink. Utilizing a compressed carbon-block filter, the Hydrefiner eliminates bad tastes and odors from home drinking water.

RainSoft of Kansas City

or locate a RainSoft Dealer near you.
To read what others in your area are saying about RainSoft, check out RainSoft Reviews.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How to Protect Your Home From Indoor Air Pollution

 Indoor Air Quality: Protect Your Home From the Unseen


(StatePoint) With so many people now optimizing their living spaces for energy efficiency, the risk for indoor air pollution in homes can actually increase, say experts, as pollutants can get trapped indoors as a result.

Clean air inside your home is vital. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), exposure to air pollutants can cause health problems, including respiratory disease, heart disease and cancer.

Here are steps you can take to protect your family from these risks:


Many sources of air pollution are preventable. Start by ensuring no one smokes inside, as secondhand smoke contains nicotine, toxic chemicals and carcinogenic agents.

Take care of water leaks immediately to prevent mold and mildew from forming around your home. Also, take steps to reduce indoor humidity. The EPA and the Department of Energy are offering tips on how to do so at

If your home was built between 1930 and 1950, it was likely insulated with asbestos. Make sure these materials are in good condition, as damaged asbestos could release harmful fibers into your home. Hire a professional to seal, cover or remove damaged material.

Emissions from gas stoves can worsen asthma. If anyone in your household suffers from asthma, consider replacing your gas stove with an electric one.

Choose safe household cleaners that don’t contain harsh chemicals. Organic and non-toxic products can do the same job as traditional products, without irritating your eyes, nose and throat.


No matter how many steps you take to prevent indoor air pollution, your home is subject to inevitable sources of pollutants. Proper mechanical ventilation is your best defense.

“Continuous ventilation at a low speed not only takes minimal wattage to run, but it also significantly improves the indoor air quality of your entire home by exhausting hidden pollution, such as allergens, mildew, mold and more,” says Anita So, Marketing Manager at Panasonic Eco Solutions North America.

Although most consumers are aware of the need for ventilation in areas prone to high-humidity like bathrooms, an entire air-tight home can benefit from eliminating mold, mildew, moisture, volatile organic compounds and other invisible vapors.

First, check to see if your ventilation fans are working properly. If the bathroom mirror steams up after a hot shower or bath, it is time to replace or install a ventilation fan.
Click to read the original article.

RainSoft Has Indoor Air Quality Solutions  

RainSoft air purification systems treat the entire home, not just one room. Our systems mount directly into the ductwork of your home, providing cleaner, fresher air throughout the entire house. With advanced UV light and ozone lamp technology, the AirMaster Ultra system eliminates airborne contaminants in your home.

RainSoft of Kansas City

Or locate a RainSoft Dealer near you.